Image Sharing Guidelines

If you have worked with me on a TFCD basis or have been provided access to download images taken by me, free of charge, please make sure that you follow these basic instructions.

By adding these tags and captions to your images, you are helping me to promote myself as a photographer and credit me for the work.

Tag Aaron Roberts anywhere in the photo. Set your location to ALR Photography. Do not cut off the ALR Photography logo.
Set your location to ALR Photography. Mention @aaronlroberts in the caption. Tag aaroniroberts and aaronlroberts anywhere in the photo. If possible not cut off the ALR Photography logo

Other Social Networks

For social networks such as X, Tumblr, Pinterest and VK etc. – please make an effort to link back to either the ALR Photography Facebook page or my personal Instagram account.

Simply adding “Photographer: Aaron Roberts (ALR Photography)” in the description is also suitable in situations where tagging or linking is not possible.